A while back I picked up some cheap pens that were billed as being waterproof. That seemed to be true until I added some yellow watercolour paint to the picture, at which point it became a runny mess fit for the trash.
Rather than waste some more of that watercolour paper, I picked up my watercolour sketchbook and my Microns (which I was certain were waterproof) and drew a small picture where paint would likely run and smear all over the lines. I went over some areas several times and I couldn’t get the micron ink to smear.
What did we learn from this experiment?
Two things:
You get what you pay for. Cheap pens will get you cheap results. I’ve been buying Pigma Microns and Brush Pens for years, and I don’t think I’m going to change that anytime soon. Although, I do have a pack of Copic Multiliners on my desk that I’ve been wanting to test.
Just adding some paint to a drawing is extremely relaxing. It’s nice to look away from a screen for a little while and just lay down some colour on paper.