That painting I was working on last week? Damn, did I screw that one up.
I started to really like it, and I wanted to do my best to preserve it, so I picked up some Mod Podge to brush on to it, because it was $10 cheaper than the spray. I should have bought the spray.

I was really starting to like this painting, but I forgot that the ink I used was water-based, and the Mod Podge is also water based, and the gouache paint I used, reactivated as soon as the Mod Podge touched it. It ended up being a huge mess, as you can see in the photos. I should have spent the extra $10 and purchased the spray sealer.
I’m going to use the long weekend to repaint it with the proper materials at a larger size. The smaller canvas was meant to be a practice piece anyway. I just wanted to see how the different paints and inked worked together. Now I know.
What’s New?
I’m working on a new site off sub stack to make it a little easier to read and view the comics. I’ll use this newsletter as more of a weekly roundup of what I have posted, rather than posting an unorganized mind-dump every week. I was hoping to post a preview of the new site, but the DNS is still propagating, which sounds dirtier than it should.
The new site probably won’t have any of my old stuff on it, I’ll be starting it over from scratch, so if you want to see the old stuff, you’ll find it here in the archives, or over on my Patreon, which is also a work in progress.
That All?
Yes. That’s all for this week. If the DNS finishes propagating soon, I’ll have a new newsletter format for you to feast your eyes on next Friday.
Good plan. Your wife, like me, has great taste 🤩
This may/may not be popular but I love this picture. The atmosphere you have created (mistake or not) is incredible. I love a happy accident. Of course it’s your piece but I think it is really ace.