Summer vacation starts today, well, for most kids anyway. There may be the odd one, much like myself, who didn’t put in the work during the year and now have to piss away a month of their summer in a classroom. Summer school wasn’t fun for me, much like the reset of junior high, but it was necessary to get out of the ninth grade and into high school.
If I’m being honest with you, I still hate math, and have never used trigonometry in any real world applications.
This is probably why I went into the arts. Anyway, that’s enough rambling for this introduction, here is this week’s (totally unrelated) comic!
This Week’s Comic
What I’m Watching
Normally Disney+ reigns supreme over this house, but this week we’ve been getting into our often neglected Netflix account. If they kid didn’t watch it so much, I would have gotten rid of it months ago. This week saw the return of Titans and Human Resources. As far as I can tell, Titans is in its finally season, so I’m happy to sit through it just to say I’ve seen the whole thing. Human Resources is a spinoff of Big Mouth, but without the kids, so I find it far more entertaining. Still, it’s not for everyone. Either way, by this time next week, I will have finished watching both shows and will be on to the next thing.
What I’m Reading
Sadly, I didn't get much reading done this week.
However, I did order The New Teen Titans Omnibus Volume 1. I’m really enjoying the new Titans monthly series that DC Comics is putting out now, and I’d like to go back and read some of the earlier issues. When I was a kid, I was too young to read these comics when they were out new on the stands. My only real exposure to this team was the cartoon in the early 2000s and Teen Titans Go (which I frequently watch with my daughter.) and the Netflix series. Since the whole family enjoys it, in some medium or another, I can justify having a hardcover of some of the original comic on the bookshelf.
What I’m Listening To
This week I have been working from home, so I’m not pissing away two hours in bumper to bumper traffic everyday. This week I’m compiling my playlist for my commute next week. I don’t mind music, but lately I’ve been finding that podcasts and audiobooks make the trip much more enjoyable.
Today we’ll look at my favourite shows for the drive:
ComicLab: Hosted by two comic pros who started off in webcomics, you can learn the ins and outs of running your business as a cartoonist.
Robservations with Rob Liefeld: An interesting podcast, where the creator of Deadpool (and numerous other characters) discusses comics and their impact on our culture.
Cartoonist Kayfabe: Ed Piskor & Jim Rugg analyze and review comics from all walks of life, and give a little insight into what makes certain cartoonists better than others. Check out their newsletter at
The Always Sunny Podcast: A fun review of the show It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia, hosted by the cast of It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia. Honestly, it’s good for a laugh during a very monotonus drive.
The Shit No One Tells You About Writing: A podcast hosted by literary agents about writing. I’m trying to write a novel, and this is part of my research for what comes next. It’s proving to be a valuable resource.
Also, check out the
This is generally enough content to get me through a week where I spend 10 hours behind the wheel of my car.
Photo of the Week

Is there any interest in videos that show my comic making process? If so, say so in the comments below. If not, I’ll just assume you’re not commenting to spare my feelings.😉
Anything Else?
I got bored on Friday night and rebuilt my personal website. I still need to redo a lot of the graphics, but it is where I’ll be keeping my comics for the non-newsletter subscribers. Check it out at
Also, as of Thursday, Comics from the Kitchen only needs another $898 to reach is goal with just under two weeks to go. I’ll be buying another five copies so I have some to sell on my website, so that will help get us closer to that goal.
That All?
That’s all folks!
Take care of yourself, and I’ll write to you again next week.
Hope you're enjoying the newsletter and pod and that the novel is going well!! ✨️